When ZTerm connects to a service, it will look for a text file with the same name as the service with a Ò.ztsÓ on the end. For GEnie, it will look for a file called ÒGEnie.ztsÓ in the ZTerm folder. If it finds a file, it will run the script. Also, you can run a script from a macro by putting ¨ (option-R) followed by the file name in for the macro string. For example, "¨GetMail.zts".
String constants can use any form of quote: "one", 'two', ÒthreeÓ, ÔfourÕ
Control characters in a string constant are specified with the ^ (carat) followed by the letter: "^M" is control-M, which is the Return character.
Built-in variables
$Account - string in the connection dialog
$Password - string in connection dialog
$Service - name of current service
$Date - in the short format
$Time - in hours, minutes and seconds
$Day, $dd - day of month ($dd has zero fill)
$mm - month
$yy - low two digits of year
Beep 4 ticks -- if you are using the simple beep, you can give a duration.
Close capture -- close the capture file.
Display ÒConnected at Ó $time -- display text in the terminal window
Hangup -- hangup the modem (same as the menu command)
Open capture "GEnie.log" -- start capturing data to a file.